HyMeX/MED-CORDEX meeting - 26-28 May 2014 - Agenda
Monday, 26th May
9-9:30 am: coffee, welcome
1. Introduction:
9:30-9:45 am: Introduction: objectives of the meeting / practical details
9:45-10:15 am: Status of CORDEX (E. Coppola, ICTP)
10:15-10:45 am: HYMEX observations (P. Drobinski)
10:45-11:05 am: coffee break
11:05-11:35 am: Status of MedCordex (S. Somot)
11:35-12:05 am: MedCordex database (E. Lombardi)
2. Model intercomparison
12:05-12:25 pm: P. Vaittinada: Statistical Regionalization Models Intercomparisons and hydrological impacts Project (StaRMIP) : First Results
12:25-12:45 pm: S. Bastin: Evaluation of MED-CORDEX simulations using long-term ground-based multi-sensors observations and GPS data.
12:45-1:05 pm: B. Ahrens: Mistral and its Siblings in RCMs
1:05-2:15 pm: lunch break
2:15- 2:35 pm: M. Stefanon: Testing climate models using an impact model : What are the advantages ?
2:35-2:55 pm: P. Lionello: Preliminary results of a standard validation of ERA-Interim driven and historical climate simulations within the MedCORDEX project
3. Evaluation and model improvement
2:55-3:15 pm: A. Harzallah: An evaluation of Mediterranean Sea simulations using coupling and forcing approaches
3:15-3:35 pm: F. Sevault: Ocean simulation of the 1980-2012 period for the Mediterranean Sea using a fully-coupled atmosphere-land-hydrology-river-ocean regional Climate System Model: design and evaluation.
3:35-3:55 pm: G. Sannino: PROTHEUS, an atmosphere-ocean regional climate model developed for Mediteranean area
3:55-4:15 pm: P. Lionello: Cosmo-CLM simulations within the MedCORDEX project
4:15-4:45 pm: coffee break
Round tables
4:45-6:30 pm: round tables.
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